
Liz & Annemarie have collaborated on projects large, small, and strange for the past 15+ years. We also maintain an active network of experts in design, strategy, and research who join our project teams as needed.

Liz Kramer


Liz (she/her/hers) has a background in developing and executing on complex projects, sometimes at record speed. She likes to work in collaboration with others, and is always ready for a costume party. She designed and led the Office for Socially Engaged Practice at the Sam Fox School at Washington University in St. Louis from 2014 to 2022. She has also taught at WashU on topics ranging from design thinking to creativity to empathy. In her past work, she was a Design Researcher for IA Collaborative and other consultancies. She studied engineering, writing, and theater at WashU, and went on to study human centered design at Northwestern University. She is a past Community Arts Training Institute Fellow (2018) with the Regional Arts Commission, and a New Leaders Council Fellow (2019). She serves as the co-chair of the City of St. Louis Community Mobility Committee, a community garden leader, and tender of her front-yard wildflower garden.

Annemarie Spitz


Annemarie (she/her/hers) has 9+ years of experience guiding design projects from framing through implementation with diverse nonprofit, government, community, social enterprise, and foundation clients. She teaches at Washington University in St. Louis in strategic design including Interaction Design and Design Thinking. Past work includes leading collaborative teams at Greater Good Studio (2012-2018) in the research and design of new programs, services, digital and analog tools, and human centered design learning experiences for diverse contexts in communities across the US and internationally. Annemarie found her way to design consulting by both chance and study in architecture and American culture studies (bachelor’s from WashU) and design for sustainability (master’s from Savannah College of Art and Design). In addition, she has completed professional development in project management and behavioral economics. Annemarie found her way back to St. Louis to be closer to family, her friends’ babies, and beautiful bricks. Her years in technical theatre provided experience writing about herself in the third person, and she remains an avid theatre fan.